What to do if your cat does not eat?

Help! My cat is just not eating! What do I do? Yes, we hear your heartfelt cries. First of all, calm down! Understand this, cats turn picky eaters out of boredom or when you introduce new food abruptly to them. Changes in their environment and health problems can also make them wary of eating.

How much food should a cat eat?

Each cat’s food requirement is different and the serving guidelines in their food package should be used generally. Discussion with your vet will help you figure a feeding schedule for your pet after they use an effective tool like feline body condition score chart.

How to recognise if a cat is not eating?

To know if your cat is getting enough food you need to give them the same amount of food everyday and note how much food is leftover each day. If it is more then you know you have a problem at hand.

Also, watch out for other signs such as changes in their weight, muscle mass and energy level. Weight loss and lethargy are sure signs that your cat has gone off food completely and has turned anorexic.

On the other hand, a cat may look fat but if they are not eating they will not take energy from their food. Their body will start consuming its own muscle. So, if your cat has lost a lot of muscle mass you know something is wrong.

Why is my cat not eating?

Apart from your pet being a fussy eater there are also other factors that make them not eat food. Health problem is one such condition. For instance, kidney disease can cause loss of appetite in your pet. So, it makes sense to have them checked by the vet to detect the presence of serious health issues.

Apart from this, changes in their environment like unexpected guests or new addition to the family can cause tension in your pet making them go off their food. Change is difficult especially for your cat so introduce them to new food slowly and gradually.

Cats are also particular about the kind of food they want to eat and will go to the extent of not welcoming a new food or a dish bowl. So, ensure you serve them fresh food that smells appetizing served in a clean bowl. Coax them to eat my placing food in your finger allowing them to lick it. If they like the taste of it you know they are going to lick their bowl clean.

When should I take them to the vet?

Take them to the vet once you notice that they have stopped eating completely as they will enter the starvation mode that can turn dangerous if they are not given prompt care. Remember to never attempt to feed them forcibly as they may develop an aversion to food in general as they will associate food with the negative feeling of being forced.

It is safe to leave things to your vet as they will connect a feeding tube to your pet to stabilise their condition.

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