Do cats have a sweet tooth?

Have you ever tried sharing a piece of cake with your cat and noticed that it does not really want to eat it? Most often they will sniff on it and move on. Yes, cats do not crave for sweets and desserts.  

Most cats show no interest in sweet foods because their taste buds are quite different from our own. While we humans experience various taste sensations like sweet, sour, salty and bitter, the cat’s taste buds are not as versatile.

Having evolved as carnivores, they lack a major protein that controls their sweet receptors. Since they cannot detect the taste of sweetness, they do not look for sugar-laden foods.

However, cats are naturally drawn to foods rich in amino acids, which are abundantly found in poultry and seafood, because that is one of the most vital parts of their diet. Also, many dairy products like ice cream or yoghurt contain high fat quantities which is a preference for cats.

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