Health benefits of neutering your cat

Neutering your feline friend is always a good option as it comes with added health benefits like eliminating the risk of unwanted pregnancy and uncalled accidents.

Here are the benefits of neutering or spaying your cat:

  • Getting your female cat spayed before she goes into heat for the first time is a good option as it eliminates the risk of cervical and ovarian cancer. Once the ovaries are removed it reduces the level of hormones which promote the growth of cancerous tumors, thereby, eliminating the risk of your queen cat succumbing to mammary cancer.  
  • Feline Leukemia and Feline AIDS are two diseases that are spread when cats mate or engage in a fight. So, it becomes necessary to get your cat neutered as it decreases aggression thereby reducing the urge to fight with other cats and contracting infectious diseases from them.
  • Tom cats are more susceptible to prostate cancer, so if he is neutered by 6 months of age then the risk of him succumbing to this particular cancer is greatly reduced.    
  • Cats that are neutered or spayed are less aggressive, get into fewer cat fights and therefore reducing the risk of accidents or contracting incurable diseases.

Cats tend to put on weight after they are neutered. So, ask your veterinary team for advice on the correct weight for your cat and how to maintain that weight .

Happy parenting!

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