Parasite control in junior cats

Parasites are small organisms that live inside or on the skin of other animals. Your feline companion can fall sick due to its presence so it becomes vital to start him on immediate treatment and to follow preventive health measures.

There are basically two types of parasites; External parasites, are found on the hair and skin of cats and Internal parasites inhabit in your cat’s organs like lungs or the intestinal tract.

External parasites:

  • Fleas:  Fleas can make your furry pal feel very itchy and irritable. They live on your cat’s skin and even lay eggs which again hatch into more fleas. They can easily be found all over the house especially on your bedding and the furniture. Fleas can also cause anemia in kittens. If your cat is not been treated for fleas then your whole house will be infested. So, your cat needs to be on immediate flea treatment as advised by your vet.
  • Ticks:  Ticks differ in type and distribution and depend on where you reside. They not only cause skin irritation but can also cause serious diseases like infection of the blood cells carried by a few parasites.
  • Mites:  Mites are common parasites that are found in cats. Ear mites especially cause a lot of pain and irritation which can also lead to bacterial infections. There are also other kinds of mites that live on your cat’s skin like the mange mites which cause hair loss, irritation and bacterial infection.

Internal parasites:

  • Roundworm:  Roundworms appear to be thin and pinky white pieces of string which can easily be seen in your cat’s excreta and vomit. Roundworm infections are very common in kittens and young adult cats. Cats can get infected by roundworms through various ways, so even indoor cats are at greater risk. Kittens can get roundworms through the mother cat so all the kittens will require treatment for it.
  • Tapeworm:  Tapeworms are flat, segmented worms that live in your cat’s intestine. When they come out they are usually found near your cat’s bottom. They look like grains of rice. To be rid of it, your cat needs to be dewormed regularly.
  • Heartworm:  Heartworm is a lung disease. This parasite is carried by a mosquitoes and when these insects come home the indoor cats are at peril. Whenever this infection is found in dogs very soon even the cats will easily succumb to it and therefore require preventive treatment.   

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