10 Signs of heart diseases in dogs

Heart diseases are quite common in dogs. Dogs that are obese or have diabetes have a higher risk of succumbing to a heart disease. In order to take prompt action and recognising the early symptoms of a heart disease can make treatment easier and your dog’s recovery faster.

The following are the signs of heart disease that you should be aware and must bring to your vet’s notice.

  • Coughing – Coughing can be as a result of various illnesses including heart disease. A minor cough will go away on its own after a few days. But if the cough is persistent and lingers for more than three days then you should take them to the vet for a thorough check and treatment.
  • Breathing difficulty – Due to an existing heart condition your pet may find breathing difficult as a result of shortness of breath, rapid or laboured breathing.
  • Changes in behaviour – If you observe changes in your pet’s behaviour like tiredness, no longer playing or exercising, appears withdrawn and is not receptive to affection from you then you must take them to the vet.
  • Poor appetite – Loss of appetite can happen for a vast number of reasons. But when it is coupled with the other symptoms mentioned then it could indicate the presence of a heart disease.
  • Weight loss or gain – Weight loss or gain are definite signs of heart disease. A bloated abdomen can also give your pet a bulky appearance.
  • Fainting or collapsing – If your pet collapses or faints then you must immediately take them to the vet for faster treatment as it can be a sign of a serious heart condition.
  • Weakness – Weakness is a clear indicator of aging in dogs but if they are followed with few of the mentioned symptoms then it can be a sign of a heart disease. Go to the vet immediately.
  • Restlessness – If your dog is restless, especially during the night then it is a sign of heart disease.
  • Edema – The swelling of the body tissues is called edema. If your pet has heart disease then they will have a swelling in their abdomen and their extremities.
  • Isolation – If your dog suddenly starts to hold themselves aloof from you and other members of the family and keeps their distance from you and the rest of the family then this is also a sign of heart disease.

You can always contact your vet for their professional guidance. You can also post your queries at www.tailslife.app.link/queries for further professional advice.

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