How to make your pet live longer and stronger?

A devoted pet parented would wish only one thing for their beloved pet, that is for them to lead a healthy life and live longer. Your wish will be granted if you follow these tips:

  • Feed them high quality diet:  Feeding your pet highly nutritious food not only helps them to have lustrous coat and sharp eyes but also a strong immune system, promotes digestion, keeps their bones strong and keeps their mind active.
  • Maintain a healthy weight:  An overweight pet is more prone to diabetes, joint and heart diseases. So, ensure your furry friend gets regular exercise, eats a well balanced diet and is of an ideal weight.
  • Take them to the vet regularly:  Taking your pet to the vet on a regular basis is a must for all pet parents. With routine check ups your vet will detect warning signs of any serious illness or any underlying health issues which has gone unnoticed by you. The treatment for any serious medical condition can be successful only if it is detected early.
  • Dental hygiene:  Dental diseases can cause a lot of pain and discomfort to your pet. If they are left untreated it could lead to heart or kidney disease. So, you need to regularly brush your pet’s teeth. If your pet does not like being brushed you could consider getting them dental treats and toys. It would be a good idea to consult with your vet for their professional advice.
  • Do not let your pet roam unsupervised:  Pets who roam freely invite danger to themselves by becoming victims of automobile accidents, attacks from other animals and anti social elements, exposure to toxins and contagious diseases. So, make sure you or any other family member takes your furry buddy for walks.

Following the above mentioned tips will ensure your pet lives a happy and healthy life.

Happy parenting!      

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