Treatment for your obese feline pal

Once you take your pet to the vet for treatment he will conduct the body condition exam and determine the level of obesity. He will then draw up a weight loss programme consisting of appropriate feeding and exercise regime which you have to help your pet to follow diligently.

Once your cat is on a weight loss programme he should lose approximately 1 pound per month. It is very dangerous for cats to lose weight drastically as it leads to hepatic lipidosis, a liver disease where fat is deposited within the liver as a result of change in the metabolism during fasting. So, a slow and gradual decrease in body weight is recommended.

Feeding your pet same amount of food but delivered in smaller meals help them to burn calories and lose weight. Ensure that the food you serve him is high on protein and low on carbohydrates. Apart from diet, you can encourage him to exercise by scheduling interesting games like climbing a cat tree, by providing scratching posts, giving him food dispenser toys, making him run up and down the stairs or by removing his food bowls and once a while and making him search for his hidden kibbles which encourage him to bring out his hunting skills.  

You must regularly take your feline companion to the vet’s for regular wellness check ups to ensure he remains fit and healthy.  

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