Dietary changes in your senior cat’s food

Once your cat has turned a senior you need to make a few nutritional changes in their diet to ward off degenerative diseases that are the bane of old age. If you are blessed with a healthy and active senior you do not have to change their diet. But if you start to notice physical changes such as weight loss or weight gain and poor appetite then you need to get them checked by your vet and probably make changes in their diet.  

There are several diseases that could afflict your feline friend. So making dietary changes becomes necessary to stop the progression of the disease.

  • If your cat is suffering from colitis, constipation or anal gland disease, they require an increased fibre intake and highly digestible forms of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
  • Cats suffering from diabetes require diet that is high on fat, protein and fibre and low on carbohydrates.
  • Cats afflicted with heart disease need diet that is high in sodium and taurine.
  • Cats with chronic kidney disease must be on diet that is high in digestible protein. As it makes it easier for the kidney to perform its function of eliminating waste.
  • You can put your cat on canned food if they are suffering from oral or dental diseases.
  • Cats that succumb to cancer have special dietary needs. They require increased intake of Omega – 3 fatty acids in their diet.

If your senior cat suffers from any grave medical condition it is highly recommended that you discuss their dietary changes with your vet.

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