How to cure Depression in dogs?

depressed dog

Is your canine buddy moping in the corner of the house most of the time, has poor appetite, withdraws from activities he used to enjoy and is snapping and showing destructive behavior? Then he is clearly showing signs of depression.

Yes, dogs like humans can suffer from depression. The only difference is that we can always express what we feel unlike your canine friend. So you need to watch out for these factors that could probably cause depression in pets:

  • Grief:  If your dog has lost his beloved companion or a much loved family member it is quite natural for them to grieve. It may take weeks or months for them to get back to normalcy.
  • Boredom:  Your dog could get bored of the same routine of waiting for you and eating his meals and doing the same type of exercise.
  • Lacks purpose:  Dogs these days are not doing activities and work that they were born to do like hunting, helping in the farm or guarding people. They while away their time cooped up at homes with limited amount of exercise.

You can help your four legged friend to come out of depression by following these tips:

  • Exercise your canine buddy regularly. Physical activity boosts the immune system and produces endorphins a chemical known to trigger a happy and positive feeling in the body.
  • Take your dog for joyrides in the car or take him along for a small holiday with family. Do anything that would please them and get their tails wagging for you again. You can always reward them with their favourite treats when they show positive behaviour.
  • If your pet has lost his companion you could consider getting another dog. But this step has to be taken slowly as your pet will take time to adjust to another companion.

You can always consult your vet or a behaviourist for their professional advice.

Happy parenting!

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