Early signs of illness in puppies

So, you brought home a four legged bundle of joy. The whole family is no doubt entranced with the newest family member! Yes, puppies are a treat to the eyes and bring joy to the heart. But they are also vulnerable to sickness, and since they are so little and cannot communicate well it is your duty as pet parents to watch out for these signs of illness in your furry buddy:

  • Lethargic: Puppies need a lot of rest which plays a vital role in their all round development. When the are awake they should be playful and energetic. If your puppy appears to be sluggish and lethargic even during playtime it maybe a sign of an underlying sickness such as parvovirus or bacterial diseases.
  • Loss of appetite: Your pup maybe averse to eating for a number of  reasons; it could be anxiety about moving to a new place, missing a family member or maybe they have been fed tidbits from the dining table. So you need to gently coax them to eat and if they still do not eat you need to get them checked by the vet.
  • Diarrhea: Your pup could have diarrhea for a couple of reasons; it could be due to the anxiety of coming to a new home, by a virus or a parasite. You need to take your pet to the vet immediately and especially if you notice blood in the motion.
  • Vomiting: Vomiting could be caused due to a number of reasons; moving into a new home, gulping their food very fast or overfeeding. You need to keep a close watch on what they eat and try giving them smaller portions of meals at regular intervals. If you notice blood in their vomit you need to get them checked by the vet immediately.
  • Whimpering: Your pup would definitely cry out of your attention. If their whimpering does not stop even after giving them a cuddle it could be a sign of an underlying pain or illness. So you need to take them to the vet.
  • Licking or itching: If you notice your pup constantly licking or itching at one particular spot then you need to examine it. It could be a rash or an allergy. So put an soothing ointment on the spot only after consulting with your vet.
  • Dizziness: If you feel that your pup is walking sluggishly or drunkenly it could be a sign of low blood sugar or dehydration. So it is better to get them checked by the vet.

Pet parents are always anxious about their new pet. No doubt you can use your intuitive judgement to figure out the problem with your pet. But it is always a sound idea to contact your vet when in doubt for their expert advice.


Happy parenting!   

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