8 tips for a healthy kitten

The sight of these small cuddly creatures is enough to melt even the hardest of hearts. They take you in with their adorable eyes and cute little moews. Once you decide to bring one home, you as a pet parent are taking on a huge responsibility. It is your duty to ensure they are fed good quality food and are given the best care, and once they get strong and healthy you have a devoted and a loyal friend for life!

Here are 8 tips to make your pet healthy and happy:

  • Slowly start to include high quality kitten food to their normal diet. The high quality kitten food must be the kind prescribed by your vet. You need to introduce it by mixing it to their normal food and then slowly start weaning them off their regular food. Once they have adjusted to the feed give them only the high quality kitten food.
  • Your kitten must be fed three times a day. They are tiny creatures and need energy. So they must be fed frequently. Place the feed on a shallow bowl for them to eat easily. Smaller portions of high quality food such as cooked egg yolks, boneless fish and liver can be fed which will help them to develop strong bones and promote healthy growth.
  • Ensure they always have access to clean drinking water. Water is more than enough for your kitten. Milk may cause them an upset tummy and even lactose intolerance. Since milk is loaded with calories and is quite rich for cats it is advisable to give a small portion of it as an occasional treat, that is only if your cat likes it and is able to digest milk.
  • Introduce your cat to the litterbox and teach them how to use it. The earlier they learn the better.
  • Kittens are a curious and quite adventurous by nature. They could fall into the toilet, get into the washing machine or get locked in a room. So you got to be on your toes and keep them safe from accidents. You need to kitten proof your home.
  • Take your kitten for regular check ups with the vet and ensure they get all the vaccinations done.
  • You should consider getting your kitten spayed or neutered. Cats that have been spayed or neutered are protected from unwanted pregnancies, are not aggressive, do not spray urine or get into fights. Kittens can be neutered or spayed once they are over 6 months. You can consult with your vet and take their professional advice.
  • Spend valuable time with your kitten. Play with your little bundle of joy, it could be with anything – a string, a piece of paper, balls or battery operated toys etc. This will establish an unbreakable bond that will be cemented with unconditional love  as the years go by.

Watch your pet grow into a wonderful, loving and faithful cat once you take good care of them during the initial stage!

Happy Parenting!             

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