How to introduce your kitten to the family?

Bringing a kitten home is always a joyous occasion. Once your kitten gets adjusted to the surroundings you can slowly introduce your family members to them. Kittens are not very sociable initially, they take their own time to interact and bond with you and your family.

At this point you must not force your kitten to become sociable but must slowly encourage and reward them with treats whenever they try to get social and stop hiding from you.

Here is how you can introduce your kitten to your family:

  • Ask everyone to sit on the floor and not to touch the kitten unless it approaches them. Kittens should not be grabbed at forcefully.
  • Teach them to stroke the cat gently. Ask the children to pat the kitten gently and to not pull their tail.
  • Kittens love to be stroked from the top of their head to the back. So you can teach your family members to do the same.
  • Warn your family not to touch your kitten’s tummy when they roll over as they may try to bite or scratch.
  • Your kitten must have total privacy while eating, toileting and sleeping.
  • Do not forget to wash your hands after touching the kitten and litter tray.

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