Why do cats have whiskers?

Cats are graceful creatures who have nifty feet and perform amazing acrobatics! Are you wondering what makes them have these splendid athletic abilities? Well, it is their whiskers.

Whiskers are an important sensory tool that help cats see in the dark and gauge predators and dangerous situations. They are sensitive tactile hair that are found on your cat’s muzzle, above the eyes, jaws, ears and even forelegs. Cats have 24 whiskers, 12 on each side of their muzzle.  

At the root of this is a follicle which is loaded with nerves that are connected to the nervous and muscular system. They give information about the cat’s surrounding. Just be brushing their whiskers against an object they can detect the location, its size and texture. They can do this even in the dark as whiskers, which have a sensory tool known as proprioceptor, enable them to sense changes in air currents and track potential dangerous situations.

Whiskers also give a clue about your cat’s moods. If they are immobile it means they are relaxed and content. If the whiskers are pulled back and are flat against their face, it means they feel scared or threatened. If your cat’s whiskers move forward while chasing toys they are in their hunting mode and have their game face on.

As whiskers help to gauge your pet’s every graceful movement and help to protect themselves from danger, they are vital for your cat’s survival. So, you must never have them cut or trimmed as this will make them feel scared, insecure and disoriented.

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