Is your adult dog getting enough exercise?

Exercise makes one’s mind and body active. Consider this: what happens when you suddenly stop your daily exercise? You feel lazy, tired and out of boredom, help yourself to extra food. You will even get low and frustrated. If you can feel all these things, so can your canine friend.

If your pet does not get enough exercise, s/he will gain excess weight, get bored or frustrated and will release all the unused energy in the wrong places. One thing to keep in mind when you plan an exercise routine is that the amount of physical activity required in dogs depends on their age, size, breed and medical history. Your vet or breeder will help you figure the type of exercise required for your pet.

The following are signs that help you understand when your dog is not getting enough exercise.

Weight gain                    

Weight gain is the most obvious sign that your pet is not getting the required amount of physical activity. Make sure you do not overfeed. A proper diet and exercise plan will put your pet back on track. So, speak to your vet to devise a plan.

Destructive behaviour

Is your pet chewing up your shoes and destroying your furniture? This is a sign that they need more physical activity. If they turn aggressive towards other people and exhibit destructive behaviour, you must try to find an outlet for their unused energy. Take them for long walks or run or any other physical games they enjoy.

If their behaviour is still not resolved, the problem could be psychological. It can be due to fear or separation anxiety. It is a good idea to take your vet’s professional advice in this instance.

Become withdrawn

When your pet is not getting enough physical and mental stimulation, they will feel stressed and lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. They will stop coming to you and will isolate themselves from the rest of the family. So, think of ways to keep their mind engaged with interesting toys. If they still show no signs of improvement, you may need to take them to the vet.


A hyper dog is difficult to control. They will pull at their leash and be restless for more physical activity. So, you may need to give them more physical activities and condition them to not pull at their leash by rewarding them whenever they exhibit good behaviour during their walk.

Barking and whining

Constant barking and whining is a clear sign that your dog is not getting enough exercise. So, they are trying to get your attention by their loud barks. If they run in circles, grabbing their leash and eagerly bounding towards the door, they are just waiting to go out.

How do I increase my pet’s daily activity?

The first thing to do is to find out if your pet is in a good physical condition. If so, you can take them for a five-minute walk three times a day. Slow and steady is the key. Get them to exercise slowly and then gradually increase the tempo. You can slowly make your dog walk for 30 to 45 minutes a day. But do take into account your dog’s size and breed while you do so.

Dog with small noses or faces like the pug and bulldogs should exercise with caution as their ability to breathe in air is not as strong as their long-nosed counterparts. So, these dogs do well with shorter walks with more breaks in between.

So, once you are able to understand your dog’s body and their requirements, you will be able to guide their way to a healthy living!

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