Male or female puppy? Which is better for me?

Have you decided to bring home a dog? Great! But if you are made to choose between a male and female, you may have a dilemma. Some people are of the opinion that male dogs are very affectionate and easy to train, while the females are more aggressive and protective of their owners and puppies. Well, these are casual observations of dog owners and there has been no conclusive evidence that has proved that a dog behaves in a certain way because of its gender.

Whether you choose a male or a female dog, you must understand the behavioural differences between the two. The behaviour of a dog basically is a result of its environment and how it has been raised as a puppy. Certain dogs tend to be more affectionate or get more aggressive than others because of their respective environment.

Surprisingly, the behaviour of a dog depends on the training they have received, but the sex of a dog can help you understand their ability to learn from the training. Since female dogs are smaller in size, they tend to mature faster than the males. It basically means that a female will be easier to train than a male dog of the same age.

Female dogs go into heat twice a year. The heat cycle may last up to two or three weeks and during this phase, a female will produce a blood-filled vaginal secretion that will attract the attention of the male dogs.

If you are not interested in breeding your female dog during the heat cycles, you should keep them safely locked in your home and isolated from male dogs. In that case, it is best to have them spayed. The best time to spay a female dog is between six and nine months of age.

Spaying reduces the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers in female dogs. It is also believed to promote positive behaviours in females; they will be calmer, less aggressive and more affectionate. Spaying also reduces the risk of unplanned pregnancies.

A non-neutered dog tends to be more dominant, territorial and high-spirited. Male dogs have the tendency to dominate smaller dogs and will even try to tame their owners. They are also more independent than female dogs, so obedience training must begin as soon as they are old enough to be trained.

When a male goes into heat, he will have the urge to go outdoors to find himself a mate. If you do not plan to breed your male dog, have them neutered for positive behaviour and easier training. They will become calm, less aggressive and will not roam outdoors.

As you can see, it does not matter if your pet is a male or a female. All you need to do is to understand their behavioural differences and make smart decisions about their care. You can always contact your vet for their professional advice. You can post your queries at for further information.

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