Flying Kites Brings Joy, Not to the Lives of Birds

Have you ever flown Kites in your life? I am sure you have. But, have you ever thought that the threads used for flying Kites could severely injure the birds? I guess not.

The threads used for flying kites, referred to as Manjha, are putting to danger the lives of many species whose realm is the open sky. Coated in glass, the Manjha threads may prove ideal for kite fights, but are dangerous enough to incapacitate the birds for life. While flying kites, the threads get entangled in the branches of tress. While landing onto their nesting habitats, the birds haplessly are ensnared by the threads. Once stuck to the Manjha, the birds try relentlessly to free themselves that is when the threads entrap the birds in an unescapable riddle.

People for Animals, a wildlife hospital and rescue centre, has been dealing with an average of three Manjha cases a day. The threads are strong enough to pierce through the skin of the birds, slice wings and penetrate bones. Even the normal threads used for flying kites inflicts a similar damage, albeit causing harm to a lesser extent.

While a few birds are lucky enough to escape unhurt, for a large majority, their ordeal isn’t always so privileged. The threads often cause injuries that last a lifetime. PfA has encountered close to 500 Manjha cases last year. The issue proves fatal when the threads are left over after the thrill of flying kites has dissipated.

The Black Kite are the most frequently encountered birds that fall prey to the Manja string. Why should a magnificent creature such as the Black Kite die because of our ignorant action?

Why should we continue to seethe in our bliss when it is inflicting great suffering on these innocent creatures?
Why should a Kite kill the Kite (bird) every time it is thrown into the sky?Lets remember that when we use the Manja string as a tool to tear paper Kites in the sky, we are also tearing the blood-filled wings of these hapless birds.

The Manja string kills, as long as we continue to use it. The choice is ours to make.

Article written by Zuber Ahamed. He is the Content, Design and Publishing Executive at People for Animals (PfA), Bangalore

PfA :
Animal Rescue Helpline : 9980339880



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